PROJECT This project presents landscape light artworks on the lookout posts of the Irish Defence Forces Coast Watching Service, LOP for short, which were built between 1939 and 1941. Equipped with mobile projection and photographic equipment, all eighty-three lookout post sites along the 3170 km coastline were explored in 2010. Fifty-three of the preserved identical buildings were illuminated with projections at dusk. In addition, all eighty-three lookout posts or memorials were documented with 360° panoramic images. In addition, historical photos and web links to the Coast Watcher logbook archives complement the documentation. All results are published here on the detail pages.
53°59'47.66"N 6° 6'58.58"W
LOP with light projection
LOP distructed or other building
LOP distructed or other building
Fifty-three of the still existing and identical lookouts were artistically illuminated at dusk with a video projector. The main aim of the project was to photographically capture the light projections in interaction with the surrounding landscapes. The photographic documentation of the projections took place at a precisely timed moment in the evening hours in order to use the twilight to balance the perception of the interactions between the individual projections and their surroundings. The choice of perspective and the artistic design of the projections created a new perception of the place at that moment.